Color: {{ itemTitle[2] }}
{% endif %} {% for option in item.options_with_values %} {% unless == "Title" %}{{ }}: {{ option.value }}
{% endunless %} {% endfor %} {% unless item.handle contains "freegift" %}{% endunless %}{{price | money }} {% assign discount_amount = price | divided_by: original | times: -100 | plus: 100 | round %} {% assign discount_threshold = 10 %} {% if cart_tire == "true" %} {% if discount_amount != empty %} {% if price != original %} {{ original |money }} -{{ discount_amount }} % {% endif %}{% endif %} {% endif %}
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{{ offer.prompt | newline_to_br }}
{% endif %}{{ offer.prompt | newline_to_br }}
{% endif %} {% for product in offer.products %} {% assign productIndex = forloop.index0 %} {% if product.in_cart %}{% continue %}{% endif %} {% unless offer.product_selection == 'all' %} {% if offer.products.size == 1 %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endunless %} {% endfor %}You are currently shopping anonymously. Either log in or save your wishlist items by entering your email address.
Login to Share Wishlist Continue as GuestAs the summer holidays are almost there, don't forget to grab your favorite Pampa Hi Originale or Baggy Boots to start your own adventure and explore the world!
As the summer holidays are almost there, don't forget to grab your favorite Pampa Hi Originale or Baggy Boots to start your own adventure and explore the world!
Show us how you style yours with #palladiumexplorers #uniformofthepeople #createexplore on your Instagram images and stories wearing Palladium product.
Show us how you style yours with #palladiumexplorers #uniformofthepeople #createexplore on your Instagram images and stories wearing Palladium product.